“By looking at this material from a circular economy perspective and attributing value to it can lead to more efficient use.”

Oyster shells can be transformed into a stone-like material and be reintroduced into the hospitality industry as platters to serve oysters on.
The platters emphasise the experience of enjoying oysters with relation to their origin.
Normally oysters shells are processed in bigger industries for paint, chicken food or fertiliser.
In smaller restaurants, the shells just end up as waste and are burned.
I focused on Ostend, a coastal city in Belgium where there is a big source of oyster shells due to many seafood restaurants.
By looking at this material from a circular economy perspective and attributing value to it can lead to more efficient use.
Oyster shells can be transformed into a stone-like material and be reintroduced into the hospitality industry as platters to serve oysters on.
The platters emphasise the experience of enjoying oysters with relation to their origin.
Normally oysters shells are processed in bigger industries for paint, chicken food or fertiliser.
In smaller restaurants, the shells just end up as waste and are burned.
I focused on Ostend, a coastal city in Belgium where there is a big source of oyster shells due to many seafood restaurants.
By looking at this material from a circular economy perspective and attributing value to it can lead to more efficient use.