

If you want to know more about my portfolio then a personal conversation seems the best way to get to
know each other.

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or Call me: +32476230900

I value local crafts, local businesses and sustainability and am very conscious about the importance of local employment, small scale independent businesses open to collaboration and the identity of craftsmanship.
On the other hand, I am curious about the world around me, I observe and explore it.
My mom exposed me to the world of theatre at an early age to go watch dance performances. By looking at the behaviour of actors on stage I got a good understanding on how we perceive the semantic of an object, how it’s used and which interpretation we can give to it, sometimes with a bit of humor. I often perceive people in the streets the same way as they would be on a stage, which gives me a lot of inspiration and good eye for opportunities!


I am a Designer/interior architect. Currently studying at Design Academy Eindhoven with a master in Interior Design.  My pleasure begins when I can start making. I am a hands-on person and like to work three dimensional. I like to experiment with materials, exploring tacit knowledge and material intuition. I like to work with ceramic, but I would not call myself a ceramict. Driven by making and material curiosity I don’t feel tied to a material; rope, concrete; you name it…

In my design process I often photograph how we sit, stand or hold the object, in order to have a better understanding of its potential uses. I like being surprised by what I see. For me, the focus is not on making something different, saving the world or creating something unique that has never been seen before, but rather to try to reveal small things that we sometimes take for granted.


Hoger onderwijs

2016 - 2019  Bachelor Product design  
                       Design Academy Eindhoven

2015-2016    Verlichtingsadviseur
                       Syntra West  avondlessen

2014-2015  Master interieur Architectuur
                     Sint-Lucas, Gent                     

                        Thesis: Rationalistische transformatie van
                        ‘Brasserie du parc’;
                         het bewust maken van haar authenticiteit

2010 - 2013 Academische Bachelor
                      Interieur Architectuur
                      Sint-Lucas, Gent


2019-2020  StudioCorkinho/TheMoodstucio                       Stage 6 maanden
                     2D/3D uitvoering 

2013-2016   Salut les Artistes
                     Interieur en Concept makers  

                     2D/3D uitvoering

2015-2016  DIFT
                      interieurarchitect C-mine